How To Save Money At A Restaurant

Eating is one of our favorite past times. It is the best way to get to know other people better. In today's culture it is becoming more frequent to eat meals with others at restaurants as opposed to eating in. While eating at home is a better budget decision, it is good to get out and visit your favorite restaurants once in a while. What will help make this a better decision is to use these suggestions of how to save money at a restaurant.

Watch for coupons and specials. Most restaurants will have them running periodically and they will be seen advertised in the paper, on the radio, and on the internet. All it takes is a little diligence. Much of the time they will have them on a regular schedule. The greatest deals are the two for one specials that restaurants will have. Find out which ones will have them.

Lunch is usually cheaper than evening meals. Make use of lunch specials as much as possible. Sometimes the portions will be smaller, but restaurants will often give you too much food anyway.

Look for "early bird" specials. Many places will have a discounted price if you purchase your meal before the evening rush of customers. Normally these specials take place between 4-5 pm. Not only will you have a quicker seating time, you will have a smaller check and tip to pay when the meal is done.

Ask for specials that aren't on the menu. Most places will have specials that are very good deals that are only for a certain day or week. Ask what they are and see if you can't take advantage of them.

Share the dish. Many places will give you much more food than you can or should eat. Sometimes it will make sense to take it home with you, but there are times when that isn't the best option. If you and the person you are dining with are interested in the same thing, see about splitting it and ask for an extra plate. Some places will charge you a little to do that, but it is still better than paying for too much food.

Drink water. It's just better for you and in most situations it is free. Make sure it isn't bottled water, though because then it will end up costing as much as any other drink. You can usually get complimentary lemon slices to go with your water to add a little flavor. If that isn't enough then sweeten it by adding sugar or a sugar substitute and make lemonade.

Don't get an appetizer unless it is going to be your meal. If you eat slower, you will get filled up faster. Appetizers are often overpriced if it is something that is to be shared with others. It isn't necessary and you won't miss it at the end of the meal.

Part of trying to save money is sacrificing. You don't have to give up everything but in those moments that you do treat yourself to something special like eating at a restaurant, learning how to save money at a restaurant will make it better all the way around.


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